Monday, December 31, 2012

Keep yourself warm in the cold winter...

Is it cold where you live? Where I live the temperature has dropped dramatically in the past few weeks. It is sort of the coldness that vibrates to the bone if you know what I mean. I watched a youtube video by clothesencounters about a month or two ago and Jenn made a good point. THERMALS, THERMALS, THERMALS... I can't believe I didn't think of that... I like to dress quite light even in the winter because I really adore the look of wearing just a jumper and jeans. I love how the neckline cut of the jumper shows my neck and collarbones. BUT it is way to cold these days to do that. I also don't like to wear jackets because I do not like to carry them when I take it off. So I decided to stop by at Uniqlo. Uniqlo is a Japanese clothing company and I love Uniqlo because they have good lounge wear clothings. Also if you are looking for plain solid colored tops Uniqlo is the place to go. Their clothings are reasonably cheap as well. I picked up two thermals. Now, in total I have three thermals... the extra one was my mum's... she gave it to me. The white thermal has a high round neck so I cannot wear it with some outfits. The gray one has a "V" neck  and the black on has a low round neck. I chose these colors because my wardrobe basically consists black, gray, and off- white creamy color clothings in the winter. I believe they also had patterned ones but I went with the solid colors because I don't really dig patterns too much. Overall, they keep me very warm and no one knows that I am wearing them underneath my  jumpers which is always a thumbs up. My friends actually asked me quite few times if I was not cold just wearing a jumper and I just said "nope... not at all:) Thermals are my secret weapon to defeating the cold.

 They apparently have this cool technology that keeps you odorless which is good right?

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